Introduction/First Log

Hello!  This is my first dev log for my game currently named 'Double Cross'. For a quick breakdown 'Double Cross' is 2D multiplayer social deception heist. Players will work together to steal items and money from a bank while also rooting out the traitors in their midst. A minority of players on the team are have secretly planned on double crossing the rest. I'll go into more details about specific mechanics when they are being worked on. 

I've been working on this since the new year as a way to strengthen my knowledge of UE4 and C++. So far a lot of the skeleton of the game has been made. Networked character spawning, movement, and sprite animations are working. Item pickup, deposit, and a basic minigame are also up and running. I've recently been working on getting everything working properly between the server & clients. When I first started I didn't plan ahead for networking so I need to go back and redo some things, but learning is what this is for! As of today when players pick up an item the server validates this interaction and then starts the pick up process on the server's side. When complete it'll replicate the changes to that clients inventory. 

I hope to have at least once a week updates on the progress of the game, and a bit about what I've been learning along the way. 

